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clam any of various saltwater and freshwater mollusks, esp. those species that are edible. [1/4 definitions]
cloudberry a plant found in northern climates that produces white flowers and edible yellowish berries. [1/2 definitions]
cockle any of a number of round or heart-shaped, often edible, mollusks with two hinged shells. [1/5 definitions]
coconut a tropical palm tree that bears large edible seeds; coconut tree; coconut palm. [3 definitions]
collard a type of kale grown for its edible leaves. [1/2 definitions]
comestible suitable for eating; edible. [1/2 definitions]
corn1 a tall cereal plant that produces cylinder-shaped ears with rows of edible yellow or white seeds. [1/7 definitions]
cowberry a low creeping evergreen with white or pink flowers and edible, acid red berries.
cowpea the edible pealike seed of this plant, used as a vegetable; black-eyed pea. [1/2 definitions]
cranberry a North American shrub growing in marshy ground and bearing a tart, red, edible berry, or the berry itself. [1/2 definitions]
cucumber an edible fruit of a creeping vine, usu. long and cylindrical with a hard green skin and greenish white flesh. [1/2 definitions]
currant the sour, edible berry of any of a variety of shrubs related to the gooseberry, used esp. in making jelly. [1/3 definitions]
date2 the edible fruit of the date palm tree of the Middle East.
dulse any of several reddish, edible seaweeds with wedge-shaped fronds.
durian an edible oval fruit with a hard prickly rind, soft flavorful pulp, and an odor considered offensive by many. [1/2 definitions]
earthnut any of various plants, such as the peanut or truffle, that bear edible underground tubers, enlarged roots, or the like. [2 definitions]
eatable suitable for eating; edible. [1/2 definitions]
English walnut a variety of walnut tree or the edible nut it bears, that is widely used in cooking.
esculent fit to eat; edible. [1/2 definitions]
eugenia any of several tropical shrubs and evergreen trees of the myrtle family that bear colorful and often edible fruit resembling cherries.
fiddlehead the curled tip of a young fern frond, esp. one that is edible when cooked. [1/2 definitions]