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blarney skillful or smooth talk, often with some deceit and in an effort to gain favor from the listener. [1/2 definitions]
blind trust certain personal assets, such as stocks, placed under the confidential management of an independent trustee, as in an effort to avoid conflict of interest during one's term of public office. [1/2 definitions]
blue in the face exhausted from excessive effort or activity.
bother to make an effort; inconvenience oneself. [1/7 definitions]
breeze (informal) to progress or accomplish something quickly or with little effort. [1/4 definitions]
carry one's weight to work and produce results as well as everyone else; contribute one's fair share to some effort.
cart to carry or lug away with force or great effort (usu. fol. by "off"). [1/6 definitions]
carve to create for oneself through much effort (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/5 definitions]
cheap not requiring much care or effort. [1/8 definitions]
chip in to contribute money or effort. [1/2 definitions]
coast to move without continuing to expend effort or energy. [1/7 definitions]
collaboration a cooperative effort by which people or organizations work together to accomplish a common project or mission. [2 definitions]
college try (informal) an enthusiastic, energetic effort.
contribute to give individually or with others to a common fund or collective effort (often fol. by "to"). [2/5 definitions]
contributor one that contributes individually or with others to a common fund or collective effort. [1/3 definitions]
countereffort combined form of effort.
dedicated committed to a cause or undertaking and devoting great energy, effort, or time to it. [1/4 definitions]
demanding requiring constant attention or effort. [1/2 definitions]
desperate done as a last effort, without great hope of success. [1/4 definitions]
devote to dedicate (oneself or one's life) to something completely; give (all one's attention, time, and effort) to something (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/3 definitions]
dialogue an exchange of opinions or thoughts in an effort to reach agreement or mutual understanding. [1/5 definitions]