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function a social or official gathering, usu. elaborate and formal. [1/5 definitions]
gala a festive celebration, esp. a large, elaborate one. [1/2 definitions]
grouse1 any of a variety of plump game fowls that have mottled plumage and are distinguished by often elaborate male courtship displays.
haute cuisine (French) the preparation of food by elaborate, highly refined methods, esp. by skilled professional chefs.
headdress an often elaborate covering or decoration for the head.
intricate having many complexly interrelated parts, angles, or aspects; involved; elaborate.
Jacquard a loom used for weaving elaborate designs; Jacquard loom. [2 definitions]
Lamaism a form of Buddhism practiced in Tibet and Mongolia that includes elaborate rituals and a complex hierarchy.
luau an elaborate meal of Hawaiian dishes, often featuring performances of Hawaiian music and dancing.
machination (usu. pl.) elaborate or devious schemes. [1/2 definitions]
Mardi Gras the day before the beginning of Lent, celebrated by some Christians with elaborate merrymaking; Shrove Tuesday.
mausoleum a large, elaborate tomb, or the structure that houses such a tomb.
nor used to continue or elaborate a negative statement in a preceding clause. [1/2 definitions]
ode a long, elaborate, usu. rhymed lyrical poem, often in praise or celebration of something or someone, and usu. in a lofty and enthusiastic style. [1/2 definitions]
overbuild to build more, larger, or more elaborate structures than necessary or advisable in (an area). [3 definitions]
overelaborate combined form of elaborate.
overwrite to write too much, or in an elaborate or labored style, about (something). [1/3 definitions]
pagoda a religious temple of eastern or southern Asia, often Hindu or Buddhist and having elaborate roof lines at each of many different levels.
plain not complicated or elaborate; without extra additions; simple. [1/8 definitions]
purple full of ornate or elaborate language or literary effects. [1/5 definitions]
rhetorical elaborate in form or style; artificially showy. [1/2 definitions]