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Dictionary Suite
rhetorical elaborate in form or style; artificially showy. [1/2 definitions]
rococo a style of music of the same period, also marked by elaborate ornamentation. [1/4 definitions]
scam a dishonest, often elaborate, business scheme that uses deception to obtain money, often employing the telephone or Internet to reach a large number of people. [1/2 definitions]
shindig (informal) a large or elaborate party.
song and dance (informal) an effort to persuade, mislead, or deceive by an elaborate or irrelevant explanation or story. [1/2 definitions]
spectacular a single elaborate entertainment production, esp. for television. [1/3 definitions]
sting (slang) an elaborate confidence game, esp. one executed by law enforcement officers to collect evidence. [1/9 definitions]
toccata a musical composition for keyboard in an improvisational style full of elaborate running passages, full chords, and other figures designed to display technique.
unelaborate combined form of elaborate.
weaver finch any of several finches that weave elaborate nests.