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Dictionary Suite
prekindergarten schooling for very young children that prepares them for kindergarten. Kindergarten in the U.S. is the first year of public elementary school, which children usually begin at age five.
primary school a school that comprises the first six grades; elementary school. [1/2 definitions]
proton an elementary particle of matter in the nucleus of all atoms, having a positive electrical charge.
public school in the US, an elementary or secondary school that is part of a system of free schools supported by public taxes and supervised by local officials. [1/2 definitions]
quantum a discrete and irreducible unit of measurement, such as the spin of an elementary particle. [1/3 definitions]
quark any of several elementary particles believed to be components of protons, neutrons, and related particles.
rudimentary of or pertaining to the basic or first principles; elementary. [1/2 definitions]
secondary school a school that is intermediate between elementary school and college; junior high school or high school.
semiliterate able to read and write on an elementary level. [1/3 definitions]
social studies a course of study including history, geography, civics, and other social sciences in elementary and secondary schools.
student teacher a college student in training to become a teacher who teaches in an elementary or secondary school under close supervision, usu. to fulfill a requirement for a degree in education; practice teacher.
weak interaction a weak force between elementary particles that is responsible for beta decay, neutrino absorption and emission, and some particle decay. (Cf. strong interaction.)
yeshiva an Orthodox Jewish elementary school for both religious and secular training. [1/2 definitions]