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exhale to breathe out; emit breath or vapor. [2/4 definitions]
exude to emit or give off from, or as if from, the pores of the skin. [1/2 definitions]
fire (of a gun) to emit a bullet or shot. [1/14 definitions]
firefly any of a number of beetles whose abdomens emit a flashing light at night.
fizz to emit a sputtering or hissing sound, as of bubbles escaping from a liquid. [1/4 definitions]
fluoresce to exhibit, produce, or undergo radiation, esp. to emit visible light during or after exposure to radiation.
froth to cause to emit or form froth. [2/5 definitions]
fume to emit vapor, smoke, or odors. [1/6 definitions]
gargle to emit a sound like that produced by this action. [1/7 definitions]
gas to emit gas or fumes. [1/14 definitions]
give off to release into the air; emit.
gleam to reflect or emit a flash, glow, or beam of light. [1/5 definitions]
go off to be activated to emit a sound. [1/8 definitions]
guffaw to emit a burst of loud or boisterous laughter. [1/2 definitions]
gush to emit in a sudden or abundant outflow; spurt. [1/7 definitions]
hack1 to emit short, harsh coughs. [1/12 definitions]
irradiate to emit as or like rays of light. [1/3 definitions]
jangle to emit a harsh, unmelodious sound, as of chains striking something. [1/4 definitions]
jar2 to emit a harsh, unpleasant, unmelodious sound. [1/9 definitions]
lase to act as a laser; emit coherent light.
let out to emit (a sound or something that makes a sound). [1/3 definitions]