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persist to endure or continue steadfastly, stubbornly, or tenaciously. [1/3 definitions]
ride out to endure without much damage.
stamina1 the physical or moral capacity to endure long effort, hardship, or disappointment.
stand to tolerate; endure. [1/25 definitions]
staying power the ability to endure or last; endurance.
stomach to tolerate; endure. [1/6 definitions]
subject to cause to endure, suffer, or undergo (fol. by "to"). [1/14 definitions]
suffer to endure or experience. [1/7 definitions]
sufferance the capacity to endure or tolerate pain, want, or the like; endurance. [1/2 definitions]
sustain to endure. [1/8 definitions]
take to withstand; endure; tolerate. [1/36 definitions]
tolerate to endure or withstand; put up with. [1/2 definitions]
tough it out (informal) to endure hardship stoically.
unbearable impossible to bear or endure; intolerable.
undergo to be subjected to, esp. to endure or suffer.
weather to endure past the end of; survive. [1/7 definitions]
weather the storm to endure through a difficult time.