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counterintelligence a program of a government or other organization to frustrate enemy espionage, intelligence gathering, and subversion.
counteroffensive a military attack undertaken to frustrate an enemy attack.
counterspy someone who engages in counterespionage, esp. one who spies upon enemy spies.
coup de main blow from the hand (French); a surprise attack or sudden action against an enemy.
crowfoot an iron ball with four projecting spikes, designed to obstruct the advance of enemy cavalry and vehicles; caltrop. [1/2 definitions]
deterrence the policy of amassing sufficient offensive nuclear weapons to deter a potential enemy from attacking. [1/2 definitions]
devil (often cap.) in Christian theology, the chief spirit of evil, master of Hell, and enemy of God; Satan (prec. by "the"). [1/8 definitions]
dim-out the dimming or restricted use of light at night, as in a city or on a ship in order to be less visible to enemy aircraft.
earthwork an embankment or wall made of earth, usu. for protection against enemy gunfire. [1/2 definitions]
fifth column a clandestine, subversive group working within its native country to betray it to an enemy force or nation.
firing line the line or set of positions from which troops fire at an enemy or targets. [1/3 definitions]
flag of truce a white flag displayed to an enemy to indicate a desire to talk together or surrender.
foe one who wishes ill on another; personal enemy. [2/5 definitions]
foxhole a shallow pit dug to provide a quick, temporary shelter from enemy fire for one or two soldiers.
fraternize to have friendly or intimate relations with a member or members of a hostile or alien group, such as occupying enemy troops or civilians in an occupied country. [1/2 definitions]
frogman a swimmer equipped to work underwater, esp. one engaged in demolition of enemy ships in wartime.
good guy (pl. informal) those who oppose the enemy in a military or other similar operation. [1/4 definitions]
guerrilla one of an unofficial or loosely organized group of soldiers who stage unconventional or surprise attacks against an enemy.
hostile of or relating to an enemy or antagonist. [1/3 definitions]
inimical like an enemy; hostile. [1/2 definitions]
interceptor a high-speed fighter plane with a rapid climbing rate, used to defend against enemy aircraft. [1/2 definitions]