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deep-fry to fry in a deep pan with enough fat or oil to cover what is being cooked.
done cooked enough and ready to eat. [1/4 definitions]
earsplitting loud and shrill enough to be painful to the ears.
elbowroom enough space or scope to move around in freely.
euphotic of or characterizing the upper layer of a body of water that receives enough sunlight to allow the growth of green plants.
fail of a business, to become unable to make enough money to continue operating and to pay off debts; become insolvent. [1/10 definitions]
foothold a place just large enough to stand or tread on safely, as in mountain climbing. [1/2 definitions]
freestone any stone soft enough to be cut in any direction without crumbling or splitting, such as limestone or sandstone. [1/3 definitions]
front-page important enough to print or report on the first page of a newspaper.
functional illiterate a person who does not read well enough to function properly in a given situation or job.
gemstone a precious stone fine enough to cut and polish for jewelry.
grand jury a jury made up of citizens who are gathered to determine whether there is enough evidence against accused persons to indict them and bring them to trial. A grand jury is typically composed of twenty-three people but the number may vary.
grist grain to be ground, or enough grain for grinding at one time. [1/2 definitions]
guess to form an opinion of without enough evidence to be certain. [1/6 definitions]
hand-held small or light enough to be operated while held in the hand. [2 definitions]
heart failure the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to and from the body tissue, often resulting in death.
home run in baseball, a hit that allows the batter enough time to touch all four bases in succession and score a run.
incommodious uncomfortable or inconvenient, esp. by not affording enough room or space.
in time not too late for something; early enough. [1/2 definitions]
kingmaker a person who is powerful enough to select, or influence the selection of, a political candidate or ruler.
kissing cousin (informal) a distant relative who is known well enough to be greeted with a kiss on the cheek. [1/2 definitions]