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macrocosm a large unit or entity that represents on a large scale one of its smaller components. [1/3 definitions]
mass noun a noun that denotes an abstract, uncountable entity and is not preceded by "a" or "an," such as "integrity," "filth," or "information".
monad a single indivisible physical unit or metaphysical entity, esp. in philosophy. [1/3 definitions]
package a combination of related items or elements that must be accepted or rejected as a single entity. [2/6 definitions]
patentee a person or other entity that has been granted a patent.
prosecutor an attorney who prosecutes, esp. when serving as an official of a county, district, or other government entity; prosecuting attorney. [1/2 definitions]
proud feeling a sense of happiness or satisfaction because of the accomplishments or attributes of a person or entity that is connected in some way with oneself. [1/6 definitions]
sacred cow any person or entity regarded as immune from criticism or attack.
single tax a tax, as on real estate, that provides the entire revenue of a tax-levying entity.
sponsor a business entity or a person who finances a radio or television program in exchange for advertising. [1/5 definitions]
structure the relationship between and among the parts of a relatively complex process or entity. [1/6 definitions]
supernatural of or pertaining to a spiritual entity such as a god or deity. [1/4 definitions]
supply1 to provide (a person, group, or entity) with what is wanted or required (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/9 definitions]
synthesis the combining of discrete elements into a unified compound or entity, or the unified whole formed by such a combining. (Cf. analysis.) [1/3 definitions]
thing an abstract or concrete entity. [1/10 definitions]
unification the process of making into a single unit or entity. [1/2 definitions]
unify to bring together into a single unit or entity; unite. [2 definitions]
unincorporated not organized as a corporate entity or self-governing town, city, or village. [1/2 definitions]
union two or more things or people joined together to form a single entity. [1/6 definitions]