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fire station a building in which firefighting equipment and trucks are kept and at which firefighters are housed or on duty.
fishing tackle various equipment such as rods, line, reels, lures, and hooks used in fishing.
game a usu. competitive form of play or sport having certain rules and equipment for play. [1/9 definitions]
gear any equipment, clothes, or the like used for some particular purpose. [1/8 definitions]
GI designating standard equipment, apparel, or the like issued to U.S. military personnel (originally an abbreviation for "galvanized iron," and subsequently considered to be an abbreviation for "government issue"). [1/4 definitions]
gym a usu. metal structure providing the framework for various types of outdoor play equipment. [1/4 definitions]
gymnastics (used with a pl. verb) physical exercises used to develop and demonstrate muscular strength, agility, and control, esp. with the aid of special equipment such as the parallel bars, the horse, and the high bar. [1/3 definitions]
habiliment (pl.) the equipment or furnishings characteristic of a particular setting or pursuit. [1/2 definitions]
habilitate to provide (a mine) with working capital and equipment. [1/2 definitions]
handcar a small platform or open car on wheels, usu. powered by a hand pump and used on a railway to transport railroad workers and equipment over short distances.
hardware tools and equipment made chiefly of metal. [2/3 definitions]
hardware store a store that sells tools and equipment made of metal, as well as other types of tools, paints, cleaners, and various household items.
health club a private club offering a variety of facilities, equipment, and instruction for physical exercise and fitness to a paid membership.
health spa a commercial establishment offering a variety of facilities, equipment, and instruction for physical exercise and fitness.
helm equipment used for steering a ship, esp. a wheel or tiller. [1/3 definitions]
high-tech technology that requires or involves sophisticated techniques or equipment, such as genetic engineering or microelectronicshigh technology; high technology. [2/3 definitions]
high technology technology that requires or involves sophisticated techniques or equipment, such as genetic engineering or microelectronics; high-tech.
home video equipment having to do with the playing or recording of videocassettes or videodiscs in the home, or a videocassette or videodisc viewed in the home.
hook and ladder a fire engine carrying extension ladders, hooked tools, and other equipment; hook-and-ladder truck.
hookup an arrangement or system, as of electrical circuits and equipment designed to operate together. [1/3 definitions]
horse in gymnastics, a piece of equipment used for vaulting. [1/10 definitions]