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carwash a commercial establishment equipped to wash car exteriors and often to perform related services such as waxing and interior cleaning. [1/2 definitions]
cleaner (pl.) an establishment for dry-cleaning clothing. [1/2 definitions]
cleaning clothing or other articles taken to a dry-cleaning establishment.
club an establishment that is open late at night and provides food, drink, and usu. entertainment; nightclub. [1/7 definitions]
creamery a place such as a farm dairy, processing plant, or business establishment where dairy products are processed or sold.
dance hall a usu. public establishment that charges an admission price and provides space, music, and sometimes partners for dancing.
distillery a factory or business establishment where alcoholic liquors are made by distillation.
drivethrough a means by which customers can do business with an establishment at its premises without exiting their vehicles. This mechanism generally consists of a window to the establishment where business is conducted and a specially designated lane by which cars or other vehicles can access the window and exit once business is finished. [3 definitions]
ecesis the establishment of an immigrant plant or animal in a new locality or environment.
European colonization the establishment of European colonies in other areas of the world.
fare something offered for consumption, such as food, drink, or entertainment, esp. in a commercial establishment such as a restaurant or theater. [1/5 definitions]
filling station a retail establishment that provides automotive products and services, esp. gasoline, oil, and air; gas station; service station.
Fleet Street the journalism establishment in London, England, so called after the street on which many newspaper offices are located.
forestation the planting or establishment of a forest.
foundry an establishment where metal is founded. [1/2 definitions]
French Revolution the revolution in France that began in 1789 with the people's overthrow of the monarchy, continued with the establishment of a republic, and ended in 1799 with Napoleon's rise to power.
funeral home an establishment where the bodies of the dead are made ready for burial or cremation and where funeral services are sometimes held.
grill a business establishment where foods cooked on a grill are served. [1/7 definitions]
health spa a commercial establishment offering a variety of facilities, equipment, and instruction for physical exercise and fitness.
hotel a commercial establishment that provides overnight lodging, meals, and other services.
hour (pl.) the usual time during which a person is available or during which an establishment is open for business. [1/5 definitions]