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hour (pl.) the usual time during which a person is available or during which an establishment is open for business. [1/5 definitions]
house physician the resident physician of a hospital, hotel, or other establishment.
knock off (slang) to rob (a bank or other commercial establishment). [1/6 definitions]
lane (pl.) a bowling establishment. [1/7 definitions]
laundry a room or commercial establishment where such cleaning is done. [1/2 definitions]
lounge an establishment that serves liquor; bar. [1/8 definitions]
man (slang; often cap.) the white establishment in America (prec. by "the"). [1/9 definitions]
mill1 a factory or establishment that converts raw materials into basic products such as steel, textiles, paper, or lumber. [2/9 definitions]
nightclub an establishment that is open late at night and provides food, drink, and usu. entertainment; club.
nonestablishment combined form of establishment.
on the house free, as a gift from a business establishment.
Pan-Americanism any policy or theory advocating mutual aid and cooperation among the Pan-American nations, such as the establishment of political, economic, military, and cultural alliances.
parlor a room or establishment devoted to a particular activity or business. [1/2 definitions]
patron a person who buys the goods or services of a business establishment, esp. a regular customer or client of a shop, hotel, restaurant, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
patronage the financial or other support given to a business establishment by its customers or clients. [1/3 definitions]
Peter one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ and a leader in the establishment of the Christian church, often considered the first pope. [1/2 definitions]
poolroom a commercial establishment for the playing of pool or billiards.
pop-up pertaining to or being a business establishment that is set up very quickly and intended to operate on a short-term, temporary basis. [1/6 definitions]
power structure the powerful people or groups who hold positions in such a system or hierarchy; establishment. [1/2 definitions]
press1 an establishment for printing books, magazines, or other materials. [1/16 definitions]
print shop an establishment where printing is done; printing office. [1/2 definitions]