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honorary involving no duties or responsibilities but serving to reflect official esteem. [1/2 definitions]
honorific showing respect, esteem, or honor. [1/2 definitions]
icon a person or thing that is considered a clear symbol or representative of something and is the object of reverence or high esteem. [1/4 definitions]
iconic being a clear symbol or representative of something and generally regarded with reverence or high esteem. [1/3 definitions]
inferiority complex feelings of inferiority or inadequacy; lack of self-esteem. [1/2 definitions]
overrate to esteem too highly; overvalue.
persistent depressive disorder a condition of chronic mild depression or irritability that is often accompanied by other symptoms, including low self-esteem, eating or sleep disturbances, and fatigue. Formerly called dysthymia.
premium the exceptional value or esteem accorded something. [1/6 definitions]
prize to hold in high esteem; value. [1/8 definitions]
put (someone) on a pedestal to elevate in regard or esteem; idealize.
rank1 to have one of the highest ranks or be in great esteem. [1/10 definitions]
regard (pl.) expressions of respect or esteem. [2/8 definitions]
relegate to send or consign to a condition, place, or position of lesser importance or esteem. [1/3 definitions]
respect the state or condition of being regarded with admiration, esteem, or honor, or such admiration itself. [2/8 definitions]
respected held in honorable esteem or admiration. [1/2 definitions]
self-respect the proper esteem and regard for oneself and one's dignity as a human being.
set store by to hold in esteem; value.
upstart one who has an exaggerated esteem of himself or herself. [2/4 definitions]
value to regard as important or valuable; esteem highly. [1/8 definitions]
well-beloved held in high honor, respect, or esteem. [1/3 definitions]