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Montagnard a member of a people of mixed ethnic origins inhabiting the highlands of central Vietnam.
multiethnic of, related to, or composed of several distinct ethnic groups.
nonethnic combined form of ethnic.
pluralism the coexistence of distinct cultural, ethnic, or religious groups within a single society. [2/4 definitions]
pluralistic made up of or representing a number of distinct ethnic, cultural, or religious groups.
pogrom a systematic persecution or slaughter of an ethnic or religious group, esp. of Jews.
restrictive covenant in an agreement or contract, a restriction on the action of one of the parties, esp. the prohibition, now illegal in the United States, of rental or sale of real estate to someone of a specified minority or ethnic group.
root1 (often pl.) familial, ancestral, or ethnic background. [1/11 definitions]
segregation an act of segregating, or the condition of being segregated, esp. as a policy imposing social separation according to racial or ethnic groups. [1/2 definitions]
Tagalog the dominant ethnic group of the Philippines, or a member thereof. [1/2 definitions]
Ugrian denoting or pertaining to an ethnic group that includes the Magyars and certain peoples of Siberia. [1/3 definitions]