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Last Supper according to the New Testament, the last meal of Jesus Christ and his disciples on the evening before the Crucifixion; Lord's Supper. [1/2 definitions]
late of an advanced hour, esp. of the night or evening. [1/7 definitions]
maravilla a leafy wildflower having fragrant, tubular, evening-blooming flowers ranging in color from white to deep pink and found in sandy and desert areas from southern California to Mexico.
morning glory any of a variety of usu. twining vines bearing brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers that open in the morning and close by evening.
New Year's Eve the evening of December 31, usu. marked by celebrations of the new year.
night school a school or classes held in the evening, esp. for students who cannot attend during the day.
organza a thin, stiff, translucent fabric of silk or synthetic fibers, used for evening gowns, trimming, and the like.
prime time in television, the evening hours of programming, when the largest number of people are free to watch.
soiree a party or social gathering held in the evening.
strapless without straps or covering over the shoulders, as a woman's evening gown.
sup1 to have supper; dine in the evening.
supper an evening meal. [2 definitions]
swallow-tailed having an end part that is deeply forked, as a man's formal evening coat. [1/2 definitions]
tea (chiefly British) in some parts of Britain, the main evening meal, served early in the evening. [1/7 definitions]
tulle a thin, netlike cloth of silk, rayon, nylon, or acetate, used esp. for veils, evening gowns, and ballet costumes.
tuxedo a complete suit of formal evening clothes for men, consisting usually of a black coat, black trousers with side stripe, white shirt, and black bow tie. The coat may or may not have tails at the back. [1/2 definitions]
twinight of a baseball doubleheader, beginning in the late afternoon so that the second game begins in the evening under lights.
vesper a bell rung to summon worshipers to the evening service. [4/5 definitions]
vespertine of, pertaining to, or occurring in the evening; twilight. [3 definitions]
weekend the end of the week, esp. the period beginning Friday evening and ending Sunday evening. [1/2 definitions]
weeknight a night or evening of any day of the week other than Saturday or Sunday.