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recycling bin a container used for holding discarded items such as aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and newspapers, which will be collected and eventually recycled.
Richard M. Nixon the 37th President of the United States (1969-1974), who supported but eventually discontinued U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. President Nixon is credited with improving U.S. relations with China by making an historic trip to that country in 1972. Nixon is the only U.S. President to resign while in office (b.1913--d.1994).
sometime at some time in the future that can't be predicted; eventually. [1/4 definitions]
Taíno a member of an American Indian tribe that inhabited the Bahamas and parts of the Antilles before the arrival of Columbus and that eventually became extinct after Spanish colonization of the islands. [1/2 definitions]
Tigris River a river that begins in eastern Turkey and flows through Syria and Iraq. In southeastern Iraq, the river joins the Euphrates River and eventually empties into the Persian Gulf.
Titan in Greek mythology, any of a race of giant godlike beings descended from Uranus and Gaea, and eventually defeated and replaced by the Olympian gods. [1/3 definitions]
wen2 an Old English rune that eventually became the English letter "w".
yet eventually. [1/7 definitions]