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corpus delicti the material evidence showing that a crime has been committed. [1/2 definitions]
corroborate to support with evidence or testimony; certify the truth of.
counterevidence combined form of evidence.
credential (usu. pl.) evidence of such entitlement, usu. in writing, such as a document, license, certificate, or letter of recommendation. [1/2 definitions]
credulity an inclination to believe or trust, esp. without sufficient basis or evidence; gullibility.
credulous disposed to believe, esp. on scanty evidence; gullible. [1/2 definitions]
crime scene a location being investigated by police or other officials because a crime has been committed there and because such location may provide forensic evidence.
critical thinking the objective analysis and evaluation of facts and evidence to form a judgment.
deism the belief, based only on reason and on evidence in nature, and not on any supernatural revelation, in the existence of a god who created the universe. (Cf. theism.)
delusion a mistaken or false belief, esp. one that persists despite evidence to the contrary, as in certain abnormal mental states. [1/2 definitions]
demonstrate to show evidence of; prove. [1/4 definitions]
demonstration the act of proving with evidence. [2/5 definitions]
dismiss in law, to cancel (a charge or a case), as for lack of evidence. [1/4 definitions]
disproof evidence or proof to the contrary. [1/2 definitions]
document a written or printed paper, often of a legal or official nature, that provides information, evidence, or proof of something, such as a birth certificate or marriage license. [3/4 definitions]
documentation the use of documents as evidence, as to support claims or conclusions, or the documents themselves. [1/3 definitions]
evidence to support with evidence. [1/5 definitions]
evidence-based pertaining to a process or approach that is developed based on scientific evidence.
evidential of, relating to, or providing evidence.
evince to show or manifest clearly; give evidence of; make plain. [1/2 definitions]
exhibit to submit as evidence in a legal proceeding. [2/8 definitions]