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device a trick or scheme, often for a dishonest, evil, or mischievous purpose. [1/3 definitions]
devil (often cap.) in Christian theology, the chief spirit of evil, master of Hell, and enemy of God; Satan (prec. by "the"). [3/8 definitions]
dualism in theology, the belief that two opposing principles, good and evil, govern the world, or the belief that man has two basic natures, physical and spiritual. [1/3 definitions]
evildoer one who does evil.
evil-minded having evil or malicious thoughts or intentions.
execrate to denounce the evil of; curse. [1/3 definitions]
exorcise to expel (a demon or evil spirit). [2 definitions]
exorcism the process of expelling an evil spirit. [1/2 definitions]
exorcist one who drives out a demon or evil spirit.
fiend an evil spirit or demon; devil. [1/3 definitions]
forbidden fruit in the Bible, the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden, which had been forbidden to Adam and Eve by God. [1/2 definitions]
ghoul an evil demon, esp. one of Islamic legend that eats people and corpses. [1/3 definitions]
Gnosticism an early Christian religious movement whose adherents believed in salvation through spiritual knowledge (gnosis), in the evil nature of the material world, and in the incorporeality of Jesus Christ, and which was condemned as a heresy by the Church Fathers.
goblin in folklore and fairy tales, a small, ugly creature that does evil or mischief to humans.
hag a woman believed to possess and use magical powers, esp. for evil; witch. [1/2 definitions]
hell the supposed abode of evil spirits. [1/6 definitions]
ill evil or harm; trouble. [2/11 definitions]
ill-gotten obtained by dishonest or evil means.
imp a little demon or evil spirit. [1/2 definitions]
imprecation the act of invoking evil on another. [1/2 definitions]
incubus an evil spirit in male form that is said to have sexual intercourse with women as they sleep. (Cf. succubus.) [1/3 definitions]