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pontifical characterized by an exaggerated authoritativeness. [1/2 definitions]
pontificate to speak or behave with exaggerated authority. [1/3 definitions]
pretension affectation or exaggerated self-importance; pretentiousness. [1/3 definitions]
rhapsodize to praise someone or something with intense or exaggerated enthusiasm.
rhapsody a state of intense or exaggerated enthusiasm, or an expression of this in speech or writing. [1/2 definitions]
self-pity a feeling of sorrow for oneself or one's troubles, esp. an exaggerated sense of sorrow or pity.
sensational producing or intended to produce intense excitement or interest, esp. by lurid or exaggerated elements. [1/3 definitions]
slang words or phrases used in very informal speech that are typically more vivid, exaggerated, humorous, metaphorical, and short-lived than the standard vocabulary and usage. [1/3 definitions]
spastic paralysis a condition in which certain muscles remain in a state of continuous contraction, causing rigidity of moving parts and exaggerated tendon reflexes.
superiority complex an outward feeling of superiority or exaggerated self-importance, often in compensation for inner feelings of inferiority.
superlative exaggerated or overdone, esp. in language. [1/5 definitions]
tall tale a story that is unlikely to be true and often involving elements that are clearly exaggerated.
travesty an exaggerated or grotesque imitation or parody, as of a literary work or serious subject, made to ridicule the original. [1/3 definitions]
unction affected or exaggerated earnestness of expression or manner. [1/4 definitions]
unexaggerated combined form of exaggerated.
upstart one who has an exaggerated esteem of himself or herself. [2/4 definitions]
vaulting2 reaching too far; exaggerated. [1/3 definitions]
yarn (informal) a long tale that is often exaggerated or hard to believe. [2/4 definitions]