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famous (informal) excellent. [1/2 definitions]
fine1 excellent in quality, skill, character, or nature. [1/11 definitions]
finely in a delicate, refined, or excellent way. [1/2 definitions]
fit as a fiddle in excellent health or condition.
flying colors outstanding success; excellent fashion; triumph.
golden excellent or precious. [1/3 definitions]
honey (informal) something of excellent quality, esp. an outstanding specimen of its kind. [1/6 definitions]
humdinger (informal) one that is excellent or remarkable.
jim-dandy (informal) excellent, pleasing, or of high quality. [1/2 definitions]
magnificent of excellent quality; superb. [1/2 definitions]
mean2 (informal) excellent; difficult to beat. [1/5 definitions]
noble of high or excellent mind, character, or virtues; not motivated by low or petty concerns. [1/4 definitions]
nonesuch a person or thing that has no equal; someone or something uniquely excellent, skilled, beautiful, or the like.
out of this world (informal) exceptionally good; excellent.
outstanding of high quality; excellent. [1/3 definitions]
peach (informal) a person or thing that is excellent or very pleasing. [1/4 definitions]
peachy (informal) excellent; wonderful. [1/2 definitions]
royal splendid or excellent. [1/5 definitions]
select of special value; excellent. [1/4 definitions]
sharp excellent in ability to perceive; keen. [1/16 definitions]
splendid outstanding or superb; excellent. [1/2 definitions]