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other than except. [1/2 definitions]
periosteum a tough, fibrous membrane that covers all bones except at the joints.
rank1 (pl.) the persons who make up an organization, esp. the military, except for the officers or those in high administrative positions. [1/10 definitions]
Rhodesian man an extinct primitive man of the late Pleistocene Era, whose skeletal remains, found in southern Africa, are similar to modern man except for a large skull and low, massive brow ridges.
save2 except. [1/2 definitions]
saving except; save. [2/8 definitions]
sclera the tough fibrous white or blue-white tissue that covers all of the eyeball except the part covered by the cornea.
secret kept from all except those involved. [1/8 definitions]
short of including every possibility except. [1/2 definitions]
soma1 the body of an organism, except for the germ cells.
somatic cell any of an organism's cells that contribute to the formation of the body, being differentiated into the various tissues and organs, except for germ cells.
than except; besides; but. [1/2 definitions]
unless except under the condition that; except if. [2/3 definitions]
unto to (except when to is used in an infinitive). [1/2 definitions]
wadi in North Africa and the Middle East, a watercourse, riverbed, or valley that remains dry except when it rains. [1/2 definitions]
weekday any day of the week except those of the weekend. [1/2 definitions]