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Dictionary Suite
prerogative an exclusive right or privilege derived from one's office, position, age, citizenship, birth, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
privatize to make exclusive. [1/2 definitions]
privilege the principle or condition of granting and preserving such exclusive rights or advantages. [1/3 definitions]
prop. abbreviation of "proprietor," an owner of an exclusive legal right or title to something, as under a patent or trademark. [1/2 definitions]
proprietor an owner of an exclusive legal right or title to something, as under a patent or trademark. [1/2 definitions]
select particular; exclusive. [1/4 definitions]
shaman among certain native Asian and North American peoples, a priest or healer believed to have exclusive contact with the supernatural.
sole1 not shared; exclusive. [1/2 definitions]
ultraexclusive combined form of exclusive.