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junket an excursion, esp. one made by a public official at government expense. [2/4 definitions]
kleptocrat a leader in a country's government who uses his or her power to become personally rich by exploiting the country's resources at the expense of the people.
off at the expense of. [1/37 definitions]
oligarch a corrupt member of an oligarchy who uses his or her power to secure personal wealth, and does so at the expense of the people. [1/2 definitions]
poorhouse a residential institution for the poor, supported at public expense.
profusion extravagant expense. [1/3 definitions]
public defender an attorney who, at public expense, defends persons accused of crimes who are themselves unable to pay.
public works buildings, pipelines, highways, and the like that are built and maintained at public expense for public use or benefit.
ration to control the expense of (time, money, or the like); budget. [1/5 definitions]
reimburse to pay back to (someone who incurred expense or loss). [1/2 definitions]
scrounge to borrow without intending to return or repay; take at someone else's expense. [1/5 definitions]
treat to offer (food, drink, or entertainment) to at one's own expense. [1/11 definitions]
white elephant a possession, often valuable, causing much trouble and expense for its owner, while having little use. [1/3 definitions]
worth it successful in compensating for the effort, time, trouble, or expense required.