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Dictionary Suite
park the usu. extensive grounds surrounding a country home. [1/7 definitions]
parkway (chiefly British) a railway station, usu. with extensive parking facilities, serving suburban commuters. [1/2 definitions]
pkwy. (chiefly British) abbreviation of "parkway," a railway station, usu. with extensive parking facilities, serving suburban commuters. [1/2 definitions]
ranching the occupation of raising cattle, sheep, horses or other similar livestock on the open range or on a farm with an extensive area of land.
registered nurse a nurse who has completed extensive training and passed a state examination licensing him or her to practice nursing.
RN abbreviation of "registered nurse," a nurse who has completed extensive training and passed a state examination licensing him or her to practice nursing.
selenium a chemical element that has thirty-four protons in each nucleus and that forms compounds with many other elements, but that can be isolated in gray or red crystalline allotropes whose electrical resistance varies with light intensity, leading to extensive use in photoelectric cells, xerographic copying, and the like. (symbol: Se)
shipworm any of various marine bivalves that burrow into submerged wood, as of ships or piers, often causing extensive damage.
spacious extensive or inclusive in range or scope. [1/3 definitions]
street smarts (informal) awareness, craftiness, or shrewdness in handling people or situations found in city environments where crime and poverty are extensive.
superfamily a taxonomic category less extensive than a suborder but more extensive than a family.
superorder a taxonomic category more extensive than an order but less extensive than a subclass.
Tiananmen Square an extensive public plaza in central Beijing, China, known widely in connection with the student protests of 1989.
vast very great in intensity or degree; extensive. [1/3 definitions]
vicar-general a deputy, as of a king, who holds extensive power and authority. [1/2 definitions]
voyage an extensive journey by air, land, or sea, or through outer space. [1/4 definitions]