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cellophane noodle an extremely thin, transparent Oriental noodle.
circuit breaker a switch or other device that automatically interrupts the electric current when a circuit is overloaded or extremely stressed in another way.
colossal extremely large in size, magnitude, or effect; enormous; gigantic; huge.
cracking unusually; extremely; very. [1/3 definitions]
crazy (informal) extremely fond; passionately devoted (usu. fol. by "about"). [1/8 definitions]
criminal extremely wrong or unfair. [1/4 definitions]
critical extremely important. [1/6 definitions]
crucible any extremely trying experience or test. [1/2 definitions]
cryogenics (used with a sing. verb) the study of matter and energy at extremely low temperatures.
cryopreservation the act or process of storing cells, tissues, organs, or other biological constructs at extremely low temperatures.
cyanide a chemical compound that contains one carbon and one nitrogen atom together with another element such as potassium or sodium, both of which form extremely poisonous substances. [1/2 definitions]
daddy-longlegs (used with a sing. or pl. verb) any of various spiderlike arachnids that have a small, rounded body and extremely long, thin legs; harvestman.
damnable extremely irritating; disgusting; obnoxious. [1/2 definitions]
damned extremely; very; exceptionally. [1/4 definitions]
darn2 (informal) to a great degree; extremely; very. [1/4 definitions]
darned (informal) to a great degree; extremely; very; darn. [1/2 definitions]
dazzling having great billiance; extremely shiny or sparkly. [2/3 definitions]
dead extremely worn-out; exhausted. [1/16 definitions]
deadly extremely boring. [1/6 definitions]
deafening extremely loud, sometimes loud enough to cause hearing loss.
decadence that which is excessively tempting, esp. by being richly delicious or extremely luxurious. [1/3 definitions]