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open shop a business or factory in which a union represents the workers, although union membership is not necessary for employment.
plant a building or group of buildings, esp. those that house machinery and equipment for manufacturing; factory. [1/10 definitions]
prefabricate to construct (building sections, parts, or the like) at a factory , for rapid on-site assembly. [1/2 definitions]
quality circle any small group of workers in a factory or the like that meets regularly to discuss production improvements.
recall of a manufacturer, to call for faulty products to be returned to the factory. [1/6 definitions]
retool to re-equip a factory, as for a new purpose or for greater efficiency. [1/3 definitions]
rolling mill a factory in which sheets, bars, or slabs of metal are put between rollers and rolled into desired thicknesses. [1/2 definitions]
shutdown a closing or stopping of operations, as of a factory or power generator.
smelter a factory or other establishment for smelting. [1/3 definitions]
smokestack a chimney or pipe that is used to carry off smoke produced by burning substances in a factory, ship, or the like.
steel mill a factory in which steel is made and processed; steelworks.
struck shut down or otherwise affected by a labor strike, as a factory. [1/2 definitions]
surplus value in Marxist theory, the difference between the value of the products of a worker's labor and the wage he or she receives, which constitutes the profit made by a capitalist owner of land, a factory, or the like.
trolley a small four-wheeled cart or wagon on rails, used in a mine or factory. [1/7 definitions]
type foundry a factory for casting metal type.
workplace the place where one works, esp. a factory, office, store, or the like. [1/2 definitions]