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lapse to decline from or fail to meet an established or accepted standard, usu. temporarily, unintentionally, or in a minor way. [1/9 definitions]
let down to fail to satisfy; disappoint. [2/5 definitions]
let slide to fail to pay attention to or act upon.
lose to fail to keep possession of. [4/10 definitions]
lost cause an undertaking or cause that has failed or is certain to fail.
malfunction to fail to operate or function. [1/3 definitions]
misapprehend to fail to understand correctly; misunderstand.
miscarry to be unsuccessful or fail; go wrong. [1/2 definitions]
misconstrue to fail to correctly understand the meaning of; misinterpret.
misfire to fail to detonate or go off correctly, as an explosive or gun. [2/3 definitions]
miss1 to fail to hit, catch, reach, cross, or in any way touch or contact (a particular object). [6/10 definitions]
miss the boat to fail to take advantage of a good opportunity.
misunderstand to fail to comprehend correctly; interpret wrongly.
muff (informal) to mismanage, fail, or miss. [2/6 definitions]
neglect to fail to take proper care of. [2/5 definitions]
overlook to fail to notice, perceive, or consider. [1/6 definitions]
overreach to fail to achieve by attempting too much or by reaching too far. [2/6 definitions]
pass-fail a system of grading in which letter and numerical grades are not used, and students either pass or fail.
renege to fail to do what one has promised; go back on one's word. [1/2 definitions]
renounce to fail to follow suit in a card game; revoke. [1/5 definitions]
revoke in card games, to fail to follow suit when it is possible and required to do so; renege. [1/3 definitions]