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far-flung far away. [1/2 definitions]
farseeing able, or as if able, to see far into the future; foresighted; prescient. [1/2 definitions]
farther a comparative of "far." [2/4 definitions]
farthest a superlative of "far." [3/4 definitions]
focal length the distance between the optical center of a lens or curved mirror and the far distant point where light rays converge upon an object.
from the housetops far and wide; publicly.
further a comparative of "far." [2/7 definitions]
furthest a superlative of "far." [2/4 definitions]
get away to travel to a place outside of or far from where one generally works or lives. [1/3 definitions]
get carried away to become excited, agitated, or enthusiastic to the point that one goes too far in one's speech or actions, losing the ability to see logically what is real, practical, or sufficient.
golf a game in which a small white ball is hit with various special clubs into each of a series of holes, usu. nine or eighteen, spaced far apart over an outdoor course, the object being to do so with as few strokes as possible. [1/2 definitions]
go overboard to do far too much out of excessive enthusiasm or anxiety; go to extremes.
head and shoulders above far better than or superior to.
hinterland (often pl.) any area far from a center of population or culture; back country. [1/2 definitions]
hook shot in basketball, a shot made, with the body sideways to the basket, by the far hand arcing the ball over the head.
hyperborean indicating the far north or arctic region. [1/4 definitions]
hyperopia the condition of being able to focus the eyes on distant objects more clearly than on near ones; far-sightedness. (Cf. myopia.)
idiocy the state of being an idiot; an intelligence level very far below normal. [1/2 definitions]
japonica any of various trees, shrubs, or plants of the Far East, such as the Japanese quince or the camellia.
keep one's distance to stay physically or emotionally removed; remain aloof or far away.
long1 extending far into the past. [2/10 definitions]