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farmyard open space surrounded by or next to farm buildings.
fellah a native peasant or farm worker in Arab countries.
fertile producing or able to produce abundant growth of farm crops or other vegetation. [1/4 definitions]
field hand a hired farm laborer, esp. one who works in the fields; hired hand.
fodder feed for farm animals, such as cut-up cornstalks mixed with hay. [1/3 definitions]
grange a farm, including its farmhouse and other buildings. [1/3 definitions]
hacienda in Spanish-speaking countries, a large estate used as a farm or ranch, or the estate owner's house.
harrow a farm implement that has spikes or vertical disks mounted on a heavy frame and is used to break up and level plowed ground. [1/4 definitions]
hayseed (informal) a person of farm country, viewed as being ignorant or uncouth. [1/3 definitions]
hennery a farm, shelter, or pen for poultry.
holler a work song formerly sung by black American farm hands, esp. during the period of slavery. [1/5 definitions]
homestead a house and the surrounding land and outbuildings, esp. a farm. [1/4 definitions]
husbandry the cultivation of land and raising of crops and farm animals; farming. [2/3 definitions]
land rural or farm country (prec. by "the"). [1/12 definitions]
livestock (used with a sing. or pl. verb) domestic animals, such as cows, horses, or sheep, raised or kept on a farm or ranch.
mash a mixture of grain, meal, or the like in hot water, to be fed to farm animals. [1/5 definitions]
migrant a person who travels from place to place to find employment, esp. a farm worker. [1/3 definitions]
milkmaid a girl or woman who milks cows or works on a dairy farm.
milkshed the dairy farm areas that supply a city with milk.
nonfarm combined form of farm.
Okie (often offensive) a migrant farm worker, esp. from Oklahoma.