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modish being in or according to current fashion or style; fashionable.
newfangled of a new type or fashion, sometimes objectionably so.
originally in an original or unique fashion. [1/3 definitions]
outmoded no longer in fashion; unfashionable. [1/2 definitions]
packing the fashion in which anything is packed. [1/5 definitions]
passé no longer in favor, fashion, or use; outmoded. [1/2 definitions]
pattern to make, fashion, or behave according to a pattern. [1/9 definitions]
pitch woo (old-fashioned) to kiss and embrace in a romantic fashion. [1/2 definitions]
popular culture the part of culture, esp. the realms of the arts, entertainment, and fashion, that appeals to or is consumed by the masses and is often commercially-driven.
rearrange to arrange in a different fashion. [1/2 definitions]
reply to respond or react in some fashion. [1/6 definitions]
revolve to move in circular fashion around a fixed point. [1/6 definitions]
roll to move (the eyes) in a deliberate fashion, esp. upwards. [1/32 definitions]
rubric in early books and manuscripts, a title, initial letter, or the like lettered in red or in some other distinctive fashion. [1/5 definitions]
runway a narrow platform extending from a stage toward or into the midst of the audience, as used in theaters, fashion shows, and nightclubs. [1/4 definitions]
rush1 to flow in a plunging fashion. [1/12 definitions]
salon a business establishment that deals in fashion and style, such as a beauty or hair salon. [1/4 definitions]
scrabble to grab for something in a disorganized or frantic fashion, with or as if with the hands or claws. [1/4 definitions]
show the white feather to act in a cowardly fashion, esp. in wartime.
slither to move in a sliding, unsteady fashion. [1/4 definitions]
snake to make (a path or way) in an indirect or twisting fashion. [1/6 definitions]