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czardas a Hungarian dance in two movements, the first slow and the second fast, or music for this dance.
dart a fast, abrupt movement, esp. a short dash. [1/6 definitions]
double time a fast military marching pace of one hundred and eighty three-foot steps per minute. [1/3 definitions]
fastness the quality or state of being fast; speed. [1/3 definitions]
fast track (informal) a career path or business opportunity for very fast advancement, development, growth, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
fentanyl a potent, fast-acting synthetic opioid that is used pharmacologically for pain relief and is also used illicitly.
fighter a fast military aircraft used in armed combat esp. against other aircraft. [1/3 definitions]
fixation the act or procedure of making fast or stabilizing. [1/3 definitions]
flying moving very fast. [1/6 definitions]
force-feed to force (one) to eat, learn, or accept something either against the will or at an uncomfortably fast pace.
frigate a fast, medium-sized, armed sailing vessel used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. [1/2 definitions]
gallop to move or run forward rapidly; go fast. [1/6 definitions]
gig1 a fast, long rowboat for two to four rowers. [1/3 definitions]
grip a device that seizes or holds fast. [1/14 definitions]
hydroplane a light, fast motorboat that at high speeds skims the water with only the rear part of the hull touching the surface. [1/5 definitions]
icebound held fast by ice; frozen in. [1/2 definitions]
impale to pierce and hold fast with a sharp-pointed instrument such as a spear. [1/2 definitions]
jackfruit a fast-growing, tropical, Asian tree that produces very large, edible fruits and wood that can be used in construction and in making furniture and other items. [1/2 definitions]
jet-propelled exceptionally fast. [1/2 definitions]
jig2 any of a number of fast, lively dances. [1/5 definitions]
joy ride a short, reckless car ride usu. for the thrill of driving fast or being in danger.