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Falstaff a fat, boisterous, boastful knight in Henry IV and The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare.
fat to make fat. [1/10 definitions]
fatless combined form of fat.
fatten to make fat or overweight. [2/4 definitions]
fattish somewhat fat.
fatty containing or consisting of fat.
flapjack a flat cake made by frying batter in a small amount of butter or other fat; pancake; griddlecake.
flesh the soft tissue beneath the skin and surrounding the bones of an animal or human body, including muscle and fat. [2/9 definitions]
fleshy having an abundance of flesh or fat. [1/2 definitions]
French fries (often l.c.) potatoes cut into lengthwise strips and fried in deep oil or fat.
French-fry (often l.c.) to fry (potatoes, onion rings, or the like) in deep oil or fat until crisp.
fried cooked in oil, butter, or some other fat. [1/2 definitions]
friedcake a small cake, such as a doughnut or cruller, cooked in deep fat.
fry1 to cook in hot butter, oil, or other fat. [1/7 definitions]
fryer one that fries, esp. a pan for frying food in deep fat. [1/2 definitions]
Ganesh Hindu god of wisdom and remover of obstacles, represented as a short, fat man with an elephant's head.
goose grease the melted fat of a goose.
grease animal fat, esp. when melted or softened. [1/4 definitions]
greaves (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the remaining residue when animal fat is melted down for tallow or the like; cracklings.
gross thick, large, or fat. [1/9 definitions]
homogenize to break up and distribute evenly the particles of fat in (milk). [1/2 definitions]