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junior younger (used especially in abbreviated form after the name of a son having the same name as his father). [1/6 definitions]
Laertes in Greek mythology, king of Ithaca and, in certain myths, father of Odysseus.
Lord's Prayer a prayer that begins with the words "Our Father, who art in heaven," taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples.
nuclear family a self-contained unit consisting of a father and mother and their children living together in one household. (Cf. extended family.)
Oedipus in an ancient Greek tragedy by Sophocles, the protagonist and title character, who unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother.
old man (informal) one's father. [1/3 definitions]
pa (informal) father; papa.
padre father (a form of address used for a priest in Spanish-speaking countries).
papa (informal) father; dad.
pappy2 (informal) father; papa.
parent a mother or a father. [1/6 definitions]
paterfamilias the male head of a family or household, esp. the father.
paternal of, concerning, or typical of a father. [3 definitions]
paternity the fact or state of being a father; fatherhood. [2/4 definitions]
patri- father.
patriarchy a social system in which a father rules, and descent and succession are traced through the father. (Cf. matriarchy.)
patricide the act of killing one's father. [1/2 definitions]
patrimony an estate inherited, usu. from one's father. [2 definitions]
père (French) father. [1/2 definitions]
pop3 (informal) father.
Saint Augustine a father and philosopher of the early Christian church (b.354--d.430 A.D.).