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myelin soft, white, fatty matter that sheathes certain nerve fibers.
neat's-foot oil a fatty oil obtained by boiling cattle bones and used as a dressing for leather.
nonfatty combined form of fatty.
palmitic acid a fatty acid obtained from palm oil and other natural oils and fats that is used in making soaps.
phosphatide a lipid compound, such as lecithin, that contains both phosphoric acid and glycerol and occurs in the fatty tissue of cellular organisms.
sebum the semiliquid fatty secretion of the sebaceous glands.
squalene a hydrocarbon that occurs in sharks' livers and human fatty deposits and is an intermediate product in the formation of cholesterol.
steapsin an enzyme in the pancreatic juice that facilitates the hydrolysis of fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
stearic acid a colorless, odorless, waxlike fatty acid, occurring in many animal and vegetable fats, that is used in making candles, soaps, and cosmetics.
sterol one of a group of solid alcohols that is stored in fatty tissue, such as cholesterol.
tallow the hard fatty matter from animals such as cattle or sheep, used in making soap, candles, lubricants, and certain foods. [1/3 definitions]
triglyceride an ester derived from glycerol and three fatty acid radicals which is the main component of fats and oils.
wax1 any solid, plastic substance composed of hydrocarbons, fatty acids, alcohol, and esters that is easily molded when heated. (See sealing wax.) [1/5 definitions]
wen1 a benign fatty tumor of the skin, esp. on the head; sebaceous cyst.