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febri- fever.
febrifuge serving to abate a fever, as medicine. [2 definitions]
febrile of, concerning, or marked by fever; feverish.
fever to cause or seem to cause a fever in. [1/4 definitions]
fever blister a blister on the face or lips often accompanying a cold or fever; cold sore.
feverfew a fragrant perennial plant that bears clusters of small, white flowers with yellow centers, formerly used to treat fever.
feverish having, or appearing to have, a fever. [1/2 definitions]
flush1 a redness or glowing of the face or skin, as from emotion, exercise, or fever. [1/10 definitions]
foot-and-mouth disease a severe, very contagious disease of animals such as sheep and cattle, characterized by fever and blisters in the mouth and around the feet or hooves, the teats, and the udder; hoof-and-mouth disease.
German measles a mild contagious viral disease, characterized by swollen glands, fever, and a rash, and dangerous to fetuses in the first three months of pregnancy.
heatstroke a condition caused by exposure to excessive heat and characterized by high fever, headaches, high body temperatures, and in severe cases convulsions or coma. (See sunstroke.)
hectic characterized by hot, flushed skin, as with a fever; consumptive. [1/2 definitions]
hog cholera a contagious and usu. fatal viral infection that affects swine with fever, sluggishness, and other disorders.
infectious mononucleosis a severe viral disease, usu. occurring in children and adolescents, that causes fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, sore throat, and an increase of white cells with a single nucleus in the bloodstream; glandular fever.
influenza an acute, contagious disease in various forms, caused by a virus in humans and in some animals and characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract, irritation of the stomach, and fever; flu.
jungle fever any of several tropical diseases, esp. a severe variety of malarial fever.
listeriosis illness in humans and animals caused by listeria, esp. Listeria monocytogenes, that is characterized by fever and gastrointestinal symptoms, and, in more severe cases, meningitis and encephalitis. In pregnant humans and animals miscarriage and stillbirth may result.
malaria an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes and marked by recurring attacks of chills, fever, and sweating.
measles (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a very contagious but short-lived disease, usu. affecting children, that is caused by a virus and accompanied by fever and an eruption of red spots on the skin. [1/2 definitions]
naproxin a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), sold under the brand name Aleve, that relieves fever, pain, swelling and stiffness.
paracetamol (chiefly British) a drug used to relieve pain and reduce fever but which does not significantly reduce inflammation; acetaminophen.