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paracetamol (chiefly British) a drug used to relieve pain and reduce fever but which does not significantly reduce inflammation; acetaminophen.
phlogistic of or pertaining to fever or inflammation. [1/2 definitions]
plague a highly contagious and usually fatal disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis in which victims suffer high fever, chills, and severe exhaustion. [1/6 definitions]
pyretic of, relating to, causing, or affected by fever.
ratbite fever either of two infectious diseases transmitted by the bites of rats or other animals, one characterized by inflammation, back and joint pains, headache, and vomiting, and the other by a purplish rash, recurrent fever, and ulceration near the bite.
remittent marked by a temporary lessening or abatement in intensity or severity, as a fever or illness.
Reye's syndrome a rare, acute, often fatal disease that chiefly affects children, usu. follows a viral disease, and is characterized by fever, vomiting, enlargement of the brain and liver, and neurological disorders.
rheumatic disease any of various diseases, such as rheumatic fever or rheumatoid arthritis, that are characterized by inflammation of muscle, connective tissue, or joints.
rheumatic fever a severe infectious disease whose symptoms include fever and inflammation of the joints and parts of the heart, usu. occurring in children.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever a disease caused by a microorganism carried to humans by certain North American ticks that is characterized by high fever, rash, and pain in the muscles and joints.
rose fever a form of hay fever that occurs in spring or early summer as an allergic reaction to rose pollen.
rotavirus any of a genus (Rotavirus) of double-stranded RNA viruses causing a low-grade fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, esp. in infants and young children.
scarlatina a contagious disease occurring mainly in children, marked by a high fever and a scarlet rash; mild form of scarlet fever.
scarlet fever an acute contagious disease esp. affecting children, caused by streptococci and characterized by sore throat, fever, and a reddish rash.
scrub typhus an acute infectious disease of Asia that is transmitted by a mite larva and characterized by fever, rash, skin lesions, and painful swelling of the lymph glands.
sleeping sickness a usu. fatal infectious disease found in tropical Africa, characterized by fever, weakness, and tremors, and transmitted by tsetse flies. [1/2 definitions]
smallpox a contagious viral disease characterized by a fever and pus-filled pimples that often leave scars.
spotted fever any of various infectious diseases transmitted by ticks and characterized by skin eruptions, esp. Rocky Mountain spotted fever. (See tick fever.) [1/2 definitions]
strep throat an infection of the throat accompanied by fever and pain, caused by streptococcal bacteria.
swamp fever a viral infection sometimes caught by horses, characterized by fever, uneven gait, and progressive anemia. [1/2 definitions]
temperature abnormally high body temperature because of infection or illness; fever. [1/3 definitions]