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sidereal day a unit of time equal to the time required for one rotation of the earth; twenty-three hours, fifty-six minutes, and 4.1 seconds.
sixtieth indicating rank or position between fifty-ninth and sixty-first. [2/3 definitions]
Stars and Stripes (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the national flag of the United States, consisting of thirteen alternating red and white horizontal stripes and a blue field with fifty white stars representing the fifty states; Old Glory. [1/2 definitions]
tellurium a chemical element that has fifty-two protons in each nucleus and that is usu. found in compounds, but that can be isolated as a toxic, brittle, silver-white crystal sometimes used in alloys with lead, copper, or iron to increase hardness and machinability. (symbol: Te)
time and a half a rate of pay, usu. for overtime work, that is fifty percent higher than that normally paid.
tin a chemical element that has fifty protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a malleable, corrosion-resistant, silvery white metal solid darkening to gray below about thirteen degrees Celsius, used in a variety of alloys such as bronze and pewter and as corrosion-resistant plating and solder. (symbol: Sn) [1/8 definitions]
whiskey an alcoholic liquor distilled from grains such as rye, barley, or corn and usu. containing forty to fifty percent alcohol. [1/2 definitions]
xenon a chemical element of the inert gas group that has fifty-four protons in each nucleus and that is used as the atmosphere in fluorescent lamps because it glows with a blue light when excited by electricity. (symbol: Xe)