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cram to fill (something) by force to or beyond its natural capacity. [1/8 definitions]
crowd to fill to capacity. [1/9 definitions]
diastole in physiology, the normal rhythmic expansion of the heart chambers, during which the chambers fill with blood. (Cf. systole.)
engorge to fill or overfill. [2/3 definitions]
expletive in grammar, a word or phrase used to fill a syntactic position without having a meaning or referent, such as "it" in "It was raining". [2/4 definitions]
filler a substance used to fill cracks and holes in a surface before painting. [1/4 definitions]
filling a substance used to fill a cavity in a tooth. [2/4 definitions]
flesh to cover with, or as if with, flesh; fill out or elaborate (often fol. by "out"). [1/9 definitions]
flood to fill, overfill, or overwhelm with an abundant flow of something. [1/8 definitions]
freight to load or fill. [1/6 definitions]
-ful an amount that will fill (such) a thing. [1/5 definitions]
gas (informal) to fill the tank of a vehicle with gasoline (fol. by" up"). [1/14 definitions]
gloom to cause to be sad or melancholy; fill with gloom. [1/5 definitions]
glut to fill with an excess, esp. of food. [1/5 definitions]
go around to fill the specific need for something (usu. used in the infinitive form). [1/2 definitions]
gorge to fill (oneself) excessively with food; stuff. [1/6 definitions]
grout a coarse mortar used to fill in the crevices between tiles or in masonry or stonework. [1/2 definitions]
heap to fill or overfill. [1/7 definitions]
honeycomb to fill with holes, pockets, or cavities. [1/4 definitions]
infuse to fill or inspire (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/2 definitions]
inspirit to fill with spirit or courage; hearten.