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inspirit to fill with spirit or courage; hearten.
invigorate to fill with energy, strength, or vigor.
jam1 to fill up or block. [1/12 definitions]
lade to cover or fill copiously (usu. used in passive). [1/6 definitions]
line2 to fill. [1/2 definitions]
load to fill with something, often to capacity. [1/17 definitions]
mineralize to fill (water or the like) with minerals. [1/4 definitions]
mob to fill with a crowd. [1/9 definitions]
occupy to take up; fill (time or space). [1/4 definitions]
overcharge to fill excessively or overload. [1/4 definitions]
overflow to fill (something) beyond its capacity; overfill. [1/10 definitions]
overpopulate to fill with more inhabitants than available resources can sustain.
overstuff to fill or pack (something) too full. [1/2 definitions]
pack1 to fill to capacity by tightly stuffing. [1/16 definitions]
pad1 to fill or protect by stuffing or layering with soft material. [1/12 definitions]
pail an amount that will fill a pail. [1/2 definitions]
peg a small, cylindrical or tapered piece, often made of wood, used to hold things together or in place, fill a hole, or act as a marker. [1/5 definitions]
pep (informal) to fill with energy, life, or vigor (fol. by "up"). [1/3 definitions]
pipe1 the quantity of something such as tobacco needed to fill the bowl of such an implement. [1/13 definitions]
pipeful a quantity of tobacco sufficient to fill a pipe.
plug to fill with or as if with a plug (often fol. by "up"). [1/10 definitions]