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cassette a compact case for film, or audio or video tape, used to facilitate leading a camera or recorder.
cast to choose (an actor) for a role in a play or film. [3/18 definitions]
celluloid a flammable, brittle material used esp. for motion picture film. [1/2 definitions]
cellulose acetate a resin produced from cellulose, used to make products such as lacquers, photographic film, artificial silks, cigarette filters, and explosives.
cinematographer in a film crew, the main camera operator, who is responsible for lighting, camera angles, and the like.
collodion in chemistry, a thick solution of pyroxylin suspended in alcohol and ether, used in producing photographic film, in cementing surgical bandages and sealing wounds, and in engraving and lithography.
comedy a light, amusing work of theater, film, or literature. [1/4 definitions]
credit (pl.) the listing of the names and contributions of each person or organization that has been part of the making of a film or other program. [1/12 definitions]
cut a quick shift, as in a film, from one thing to another. [1/25 definitions]
cutaway a switch from one scene to another in a film, used to create suspense, show a simultaneous event, or the like; cutaway shot. [1/4 definitions]
cutaway shot in a film, a sudden shift of the scene away from the main action to an apparently unrelated event.
cyanine any of several dyes that are used to sensitize photographic film to certain colors.
daguerreotype an early process of photography that used a silvered metal plate rather than film. [1/2 definitions]
denouement in a novel, play, or film, the final resolution of the plot's complexities and questions. [1/2 definitions]
develop in photography, to treat (exposed film) chemically so as to create a visible image. [1/10 definitions]
developer a chemical used to develop exposed photographic film. [1/2 definitions]
dialogue talk between two or more people or between characters in a play, film, novel, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
direct to lead and instruct in the making of (a film, play, or the like). [2/14 definitions]
direction a stage or film director's decisions regarding a production. [1/7 definitions]
director a person who is in charge of interpreting the script of a film or play, and who directs the actors. [1/3 definitions]
documentary a film or videotape that explores real facts and events, esp. one that includes footage of the events filmed as they occurred. [1/2 definitions]