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Dictionary Suite
documentary a film or videotape that explores real facts and events, esp. one that includes footage of the events filmed as they occurred. [1/2 definitions]
double exposure the act of making two exposures on the same film, photographic plate, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
drama a television show or film that is serious in nature and depicts emotionally-charged situations using fictional characters. (Cf. comedy.) [1/5 definitions]
dressing room a room for one or more persons in which to dress, put on makeup, and the like, esp. in a theater or a film or television studio.
dub3 to add sounds to or replace sounds on (a film or other recording), esp. to replace voices in one language with those in another. [3/4 definitions]
edit to add to, delete, correct, or rearrange (written material or film segments). [1/4 definitions]
editor a person who prepares written materials for publication or film for viewing. [2/4 definitions]
effect (pl.) sounds or visual images that are used to produce an effect on a listener or spectator, especially those used in film, television, sound recording, and the like to create visual or auditory illusions or elicit a heightened experience. [1/8 definitions]
emulsion a light-sensitive coating of silver halides suspended in gelatin, used on photographic film and paper. [1/2 definitions]
epic of a novel, play, film, or the like, having a heroic subject or a grand tone. [2/5 definitions]
excerpt a short passage taken from a written work, film, or the like. [2 definitions]
exit as a direction in a theater or film script, to leave the stage or scene (usu. prec. or fol. by the character's name). [1/7 definitions]
expose to subject (film) to the chemical action of light. [1/7 definitions]
exposure the act of exposing photographic film to light, or the duration of such exposing. [1/7 definitions]
extra one who is specially hired for a non-speaking part in a large group scene in a film. [1/8 definitions]
fade in film and television, to slowly come into view or vanish (usu. fol. by "in" or "out"). [2/6 definitions]
fade-in a gradual increase in the sharpness of focus or visibility of a scene or image in film or television, or in the audibility of sound in broadcasting.
fade-out a gradual decrease in the sharpness of focus or visibility of a scene or image in film or television, or in the audibility of sound in broadcasting.
feature the main film in a movie theater. [2/9 definitions]
film to make a film version of. [2/11 definitions]
filmable combined form of film.