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last-ditch done as a final and desperate measure, effort, stand, or the like.
last hurrah a final effort or appearance, as in politics or the arts.
last rites final ceremonies for a recently dead person. [1/2 definitions]
last word the final sentence or phrase with which one person ends an argument. [2/3 definitions]
ledger a book used to record all of the financial transactions of a business, esp. as a final record of accounts.
match point the final point that must be scored to win a match, esp. in tennis.
modus vivendi temporary agreement between disputing parties pending a final settlement of the dispute; compromise. [1/2 definitions]
musical chairs a children's game in which circling players try to sit in empty chairs when the music stops, with one player being eliminated each time until only one chair and two players remain for the final.
net2 final; conclusive. [1/5 definitions]
nonfinal combined form of final.
old age the final stage of life, considered in humans to begin at about age sixty-five, characterized by a decline in health and vigor.
omega any last or final thing. (See alpha and omega.) [1/2 definitions]
only as a final outcome. [1/8 definitions]
paradise (sometimes cap.) the final destination of virtuous souls; heaven. [1/3 definitions]
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
postlude a final or concluding section or short chapter, as of a book. [1/3 definitions]
proof a trial piece of printed matter used for detecting mistakes before final printing. [1/13 definitions]
prove to be found or shown in the final assessment. [1/5 definitions]
qualify in sports, to win a preliminary trial and thus be able to compete in the final competition. [1/8 definitions]
quietus that which ends, silences, or suppresses; final or settling stroke. [1/2 definitions]
result (often plural) the final or significant piece or pieces of information gained from an investigation, examination, or calculation. [1/6 definitions]