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Dictionary Suite
frond a long, finely divided leaf, as of a fern or certain palms.
gazpacho a cold soup made by mixing finely chopped raw tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions, garlic, and flavorings.
gizzard an enlarged, muscular portion of the digestive tract of birds in which partially digested food is finely ground with the aid of abrasive particles. [1/2 definitions]
keen1 extremely sharp; able to cut readily and finely. [2/4 definitions]
Linzer torte (sometimes l.c.) a pastry filled with raspberry jam and covered with a lattice crust that is made of finely ground almonds.
micrometer screw a very finely threaded screw that is used in micrometers to give extremely fine measurements, esp. of thickness.
parsley any of several garden herbs, usu. having finely divided crinkled leaves, used to season or decorate food.
poplin a finely ribbed fabric, usu. made of cotton, used for clothing, draperies, and upholstery.
sand loose grains of finely ground rock, often including quartz. [1/7 definitions]
sieve a utensil with a wire mesh or finely perforated bottom, used as a strainer or to sift or purée solids. [1/2 definitions]
streusel a topping of crumbly texture for coffeecake, sweet breads, or the like, made from flour, butter, sugar, cinnamon, and sometimes finely chopped nuts.
torte a rich cake, usu. made of eggs, finely chopped nuts, crumbs, sweeteners, and flavorings, often composed in layers separated by rich fillings.
transparent thin and finely woven enough to see through, as fabric; sheer. [1/3 definitions]
water ice a dessert made of finely crushed, sweetened ice. [1/2 definitions]
white bread a light-colored bread made from finely ground, usu. bleached, wheat flour.