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brisling a small fish of the northeastern Atlantic; sprat.
broth water in which meat, fish, grain, or vegetables have been boiled, often used as a base for soup.
burbot a freshwater fish related to the cod.
butterfish a flat-bodied fish caught for food along the North American Atlantic coast.
carp2 a large edible freshwater fish, found or bred in lakes and ponds. [1/2 definitions]
catch-and-release in fishing, a policy of conservation that requires fish to be released back into the wild after being caught.
catfish any of several chiefly freshwater fish with large heads, long feelers around the mouth resembling a cat's whiskers, and no scales.
chop suey a Chinese-American dish of bean sprouts, other vegetables, and small bits of meat, chicken, or fish cooked and poured over rice.
chowder a thick soup typically containing clams, fish, or corn, with potatoes and onions in a milk or tomato base.
chub any of various thick-bodied freshwater fish common to Europe. [3 definitions]
chum2 chopped or ground bait dumped or scattered into water to attract fish. [3 definitions]
cichlid any of a large family (Cichlidae) of mostly freshwater tropical fish, some of which are commonly found in aquariums.
Cichlidae a large and diverse family of mostly freshwater tropical fish.
cloaca the cavity into which the intestinal, urinary, and reproductive tracts open in birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians. [1/3 definitions]
closed season any period during which it is illegal to fish for, capture, or hunt certain animal or fish species.
cobia a large tropical game fish with a prominent black stripe on either side.
cod-liver oil a pale yellow oil obtained from the liver of cod and related fish, often taken as a source of vitamins A and D.
coelacanth a large bony fish that was thought to be extinct until a living specimen was found in 1938.
coho a small ocean salmon, now often introduced into fresh water as a game fish; coho salmon; silver salmon.
court-bouillon a broth made from fish or seafood, cooked in wine or water with vegetables and herbs, and used in fish dishes, soups, and the like.
cowfish a small, brightly-colored fish covered with bony plates and having a spike over each eye, found in tropical waters. [1/2 definitions]