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dasyure any of various small nocturnal Australian marsupials, including the Tasmanian devil, that eat insects or flesh.
double chin one or more fatty folds of flesh beneath the chin.
emaciate to waste away the flesh of, usu. by starvation or disease; make extremely thin.
fat having excessive nonmuscular flesh; plump; obese. [1/10 definitions]
fish the flesh of fish eaten as food. [1/7 definitions]
fisher a large flesh-eating marten of northern North America that has thick dark-brown fur. [1/3 definitions]
flab sagging flesh, esp. as caused by obesity.
flesh to cover with, or as if with, flesh; fill out or elaborate (often fol. by "out"). [2/9 definitions]
flesh fly any of various flies that deposit their eggs or larvae in dead or living animal flesh.
fleshy having an abundance of flesh or fat. [1/2 definitions]
freestone of a fruit, having flesh that does not cling to the pit. [1/3 definitions]
fruit an edible plant product that has seeds and flesh, such as apple, banana, or strawberry. [1/4 definitions]
game the flesh of such animals, used for food. [1/9 definitions]
gill1 (pl.) a fleshy, wrinkled piece of skin or flesh hanging below the beak of a bird or under the chin of a person; wattle. [1/5 definitions]
goose the flesh of this bird, prepared as food. [1/6 definitions]
granulation tissue tissue that forms in ulcers and often in healing wounds, consisting of small bumps of newly forming capillaries; proud flesh.
greengage a type of plum characterized by its gold-green skin and flesh and its sweet taste.
green turtle a large marine turtle, common in warmer waters, whose flesh is often used to make turtle soup or other dishes.
guinea fowl any of several pheasantlike birds native to Africa, esp. one with black feathers and white spots that is raised domestically for its eggs and flesh.
gum2 (often pl.) the flesh and connective tissue covering that part of the jawbone in which the teeth are set. [1/2 definitions]
honeydew melon a melon having smooth light-green rind and esp. sweet, green flesh.