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honeydew melon a melon having smooth light-green rind and esp. sweet, green flesh.
horseflesh the flesh of a horse. [1/2 definitions]
horse meat the flesh of a horse esp. for use as a food or in food products.
hot pepper any of numerous peppers having sharp, pungent flesh ranging from mild to very hot. [1/2 definitions]
Hubbard squash a winter squash that has a yellow or green rind and yellow flesh.
incarnadine a flesh-pink color. [1/3 definitions]
ingrowing growing into, inward, or within, as a toenail into the flesh.
ingrown having turned and grown into the flesh, as a toenail or hair. [1/2 definitions]
jowl2 skin, flesh, or the like that hangs down from the lower jaw.
kelp the ashes or the pressed flesh of such a seaweed, used as a seasoning or dietary supplement. [1/2 definitions]
king crab a large crab of North Pacific waters that is valued for its edible flesh; Alaskan king crab. [1/2 definitions]
kiwi an Asian vine that bears edible fruit with brown skin and green flesh, or this fruit itself. [1/2 definitions]
litchi an oval fruit that has a hard, thin shell, a single seed, and mildly sweet jellylike flesh; litchi nut. [1/2 definitions]
lobster the flesh of the lobster eaten as food. [1/3 definitions]
lobster tail the edible flesh of a lobster's tail.
mandarin a small, somewhat flattened citrus fruit, with a loose skin and flesh of yellow to reddish orange; mandarin orange. [1/4 definitions]
meager having little weight or flesh; thin or scrawny. [1/2 definitions]
meat the flesh of animals, esp. mammals, when used or regarded as food. [1/4 definitions]
meat-eating having meat, the flesh of animals, as part of one's diet, or eating primarily meat; carnivorous.
meaty having ample flesh; stocky or thickset. [1/3 definitions]
melon a fruit of any of various vines, which has a hard, often smooth rind and thick, juicy flesh ranging from pale green or yellow to orange or deep reddish pink.