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drupe any of numerous fleshy fruits, such as the apricot, cherry, peach, or almond, usu. having one hard stone.
earlobe the fleshy lower part of the outer ear.
flesh to become fleshy or plump (often fol. by out). [1/9 definitions]
gill1 (pl.) a fleshy, wrinkled piece of skin or flesh hanging below the beak of a bird or under the chin of a person; wattle. [1/5 definitions]
gill fungus a fleshy fungus with blade-shaped gills on the underside of its cap; mushroom.
glasswort any of several fleshy plants that are found in salt marshes or the like, having succulent stems and scalelike leaves, the ash of which was formerly used in making glass.
haunch the hip and fleshy parts of the buttock and thigh. [1/2 definitions]
hen-and-chickens any of several fleshy plants that propagate by runners, such as the common houseleek.
houseleek any of several plants that have thick fleshy leaves and bear yellow, pink, or red flowers, esp. one that grows in the roofs and walls of houses in Europe and Asia.
hump a rounded projection or bulge, esp. a fleshy one, as is found on the back of a camel or on the back of a person who has a spinal deformity. [1/6 definitions]
lappet any fleshy, lobelike external body part, such as the human earlobe or a bird's wattle. [1/2 definitions]
leek a plant related to the onion that has broad green leaves and a fleshy, white, cylindrical bulb.
lip either of the fleshy upper or lower edges of the mouth that surround it, and are used in speech. [1/5 definitions]
madder1 the red fleshy root of such a plant, or the dye obtained from it. [1/2 definitions]
mamoncillo a fruit-bearing tree that grows primarily in Central America and the Caribbean and produces a small fruit with a rigid green skin and a sweet fleshy interior. The mamoncillo fruit is called by different names in different countries and is sometimes called a Spanish lime.
mesocarp the middle layer or fleshy part of a ripened fruit.
mushroom any of numerous edible or poisonous fungi, usu. with a fleshy, umbrella-shaped cap on a thin stalk. [1/7 definitions]
papaw a tree of central and southern North America that bears purple flowers and small fleshy edible fruit. [1/2 definitions]
pepper any of various fleshy, podlike fruits that vary in size, shape, color, and sweetness, and that include the pimiento and the green and red bell peppers. [1/8 definitions]
pinesap a fleshy whitish or reddish plant belonging to the heath family that grows on tree roots or fallen tree trunks.
pome a fruit, such as the apple or pear, having an edible inner seed-bearing flesh derived from the carpels of the flower and an outer fleshy shell derived from the floral cup.