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headset one or two earphones and sometimes also a mouthpiece, held to the head by a flexible band.
hose a flexible tube of rubber or plastic through which liquids are conveyed. [1/3 definitions]
jew's-harp a small, metal, lyre-shaped musical instrument that is held between the teeth and played by plucking the protruding end of its flexible steel tongue.
leatherwood a shrub, native to North America, having tough, flexible bark and bearing yellow flowers.
limber having flexible joints and muscles; supple. [1/4 definitions]
lithe characterized by light, graceful, flexible movements. [2 definitions]
mail2 flexible armor made of overlapped or linked metal rings. [1/2 definitions]
measuring tape a flexible tape used to measure length; tape measure.
membrane a thin, flexible, tensile layer of tissue that separates, connects, lines, or covers various structures, such as organs, in living organisms. [1/2 definitions]
membranous related to, made of, or similar to one of the thin, flexible layers of tissue that cover, separate, line, or connect organs and other structures in a living organism.
open-ended adaptable to change; flexible. [1/4 definitions]
osier any of several willows with long, flexible twigs used in basketry and wickerwork, or the twig of such a plant.
pack1 a container for goods or belongings, usu. flexible and carried on the back. [1/16 definitions]
palette knife a thin, flexible steel blade set in a handle and used by artists to mix colors or clean the palette.
Panama hat a durable, lightweight, crushable hat made of the flexible strawlike leaves of a perennial that is native to Central and South America. [1/2 definitions]
paperback a book having a flexible paper cover. [1/2 definitions]
paper clip a flexible wire or plastic clasp bent into loops, that holds papers together.
pinchcock a clamp fitted onto a flexible tube to regulate or prevent the flow of liquid through it.
plectrum a small flexible piece of plastic or other material used to pluck a stringed musical instrument; pick.
pliable easily bent; flexible; malleable. [1/3 definitions]
pole vault a field event in which the participants perform high vaults with the aid of a long flexible pole that propels them over a crossbar.