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entresol a low story of a building that is just above the street floor; mezzanine.
first floor in American English, the ground floor. In British English, the floor above the ground floor.
flat2 (chiefly British) a group of connected rooms forming a residence on one floor; apartment.
floor to cover with or provide with a floor. [3/9 definitions]
floorage floor space.
floorboard a board or plank in a floor. [2 definitions]
floor exercise any of various athletic events or routines, such as tumbling, performed on a floor mat. [2 definitions]
flooring a floor or floors. [2 definitions]
floor leader the legislator chosen by fellow party members to direct party actions on the floor of a legislative assembly, esp. in the U.S. Congress.
floor-length extending to the floor, as a skirt, dress, or robe; full-length.
floor plan a scale drawing of a room or one floor of a building, as seen from above.
footlight (usu. pl.) the row of lights at the front of a stage near floor level. [1/2 definitions]
French window a window, usu. one of a pair, that resembles a French door, having small panes of glass and usu. extending to the floor. [1/2 definitions]
gallery a long, balconylike upper floor of a building, esp. as found in a theater, and containing the cheapest seats. [1/7 definitions]
ground floor the floor of a building closest to ground level; first floor. [1/2 definitions]
ground plan a floor plan of a building. [1/2 definitions]
hatch2 an opening in the floor, roof, or side of a structure or vehicle, esp. a ship, through which passengers or cargo may pass. [1/2 definitions]
hatchway the passageway from such an opening to an interior floor or compartment, usu. fitted with stairs or a ladder. [1/2 definitions]
hearth the floor of a fireplace, often extending outward into a room. [1/3 definitions]
hopper a freight car that can discharge its cargo through a door in the floor. [1/5 definitions]
landing the floor at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs. [1/3 definitions]